QtPass 1.4.0
Multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager.
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CConfigDialogThe ConfigDialog handles the configuration interface
 CDeselectableTreeViewThe DeselectableTreeView class loosly based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2761284/ thanks to Yassir Ennazk
 CdragAndDropInfoHolds values to share beetween drag and drop on the passwordstorage view
 CExecutorExecutes external commands for handleing password, git and other data
 CImitatePassImitates pass features when pass is not enabled or available
 CKeygenDialogHandles GPG keypair generation
 CMainWindowDoes way too much, not only is it a switchboard, configuration handler and more, it's also the process-manager
 CNamedValuesMostly a list of NamedValue but also has a method to take a specific NamedValue pair out of the list
 CPassActs as an abstraction for pass or pass imitation
 CPasswordConfigurationHolds the Password configuration settings
 CPasswordDialogPasswordDialog Handles the inserting and editing of passwords
 CQProgressIndicatorLets an application display a progress indicator to show that a lengthy task is under way
 CQPushButtonAsQRCodeStylish widget to display the field as QR Code
 CQPushButtonWithClipboardStylish widget to allow copying of password and account details
 CQtPassSettingsSingleton that stores qtpass' settings, saves and loads config
 CRealPassWrapper for executing pass to handle the password-store
 CSettingsConstantsTable for the naming of configuration items
 CSingleApplicationUsed for commandline intergration
 CStoreModelThe QSortFilterProxyModel for handling filesystem searches
 CTrayIconHandles the systemtray icon and menu
 Ctst_uiOur first unit test
 Ctst_utilOur first unit test
 CUserInfoStores key info lines including validity, creation date and more
 CUsersDialogHandles listing and editing of GPG users
 CUtilSome static utilities to be used elsewhere