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QtPass 1.4.0
Multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager.
CConfigDialog | The ConfigDialog handles the configuration interface |
CDeselectableTreeView | The DeselectableTreeView class loosly based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2761284/ thanks to Yassir Ennazk |
CdragAndDropInfo | Holds values to share beetween drag and drop on the passwordstorage view |
CdragAndDropInfoPasswordStore | |
CExecutor | Executes external commands for handleing password, git and other data |
CFileContent | |
CImitatePass | Imitates pass features when pass is not enabled or available |
CKeygenDialog | Handles GPG keypair generation |
CMainWindow | Does way too much, not only is it a switchboard, configuration handler and more, it's also the process-manager |
CNamedValue | |
CNamedValues | Mostly a list of NamedValue but also has a method to take a specific NamedValue pair out of the list |
CPass | Acts as an abstraction for pass or pass imitation |
CPasswordConfiguration | Holds the Password configuration settings |
CPasswordDialog | PasswordDialog Handles the inserting and editing of passwords |
CQProgressIndicator | Lets an application display a progress indicator to show that a lengthy task is under way |
CQPushButtonAsQRCode | Stylish widget to display the field as QR Code |
CQPushButtonShowPassword | |
CQPushButtonWithClipboard | Stylish widget to allow copying of password and account details |
CQtPass | |
CQtPassSettings | Singleton that stores qtpass' settings, saves and loads config |
CRealPass | Wrapper for executing pass to handle the password-store |
CSettingsConstants | Table for the naming of configuration items |
CsimpleTransaction | |
CSingleApplication | Used for commandline intergration |
CStoreModel | The QSortFilterProxyModel for handling filesystem searches |
CTrayIcon | Handles the systemtray icon and menu |
Ctst_ui | Our first unit test |
Ctst_util | Our first unit test |
CUserInfo | Stores key info lines including validity, creation date and more |
CUsersDialog | Handles listing and editing of GPG users |
CUtil | Some static utilities to be used elsewhere |