QtPass 1.4

QtPass is a multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager.

View the Project on GitHub IJHack/QtPass

QtPass MainWindow


Linux / BSD


Latest stable Arch package and git on aur AUR package
pacman -S qtpass
packer qtpass
yaourt -S qtpass

OpenSUSE, Fedora & CentOS

Via OBS and Fedora package db up to Fedora Rawhide package
zypper install qtpass
yum install qtpass
dnf install qtpass

Debian, Ubuntu and derivates like Kali & Raspbian

In amongst others stable Debian Stable package, sid Debian Unstable package and Mantic Minotaur Ubuntu 23.10 package
apt install qtpass


Source build package Gentoo package
emerge -atv qtpass


Has a nie xbps package Void Linux x86_64 package
xbps-install -Su qtpass


One of the first to addopt QtPass packages nixpkgs stable package
nix-env -iA nixos.pkgs.qtpass

Soleus Project

Has a stable package for QtPass Solus package
eopkg install qtpass


Via SlackBuilds SlackBuilds package
cd qtpass && chmod +x qtpass.SlackBuild && ./qtpass.SlackBuild


Available as package and in the FreeBSD ports repository FreeBSD port
pkg install qtpass
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/qtpass/ && make install clean


QtPass 1.4.0

Latest stable on the releases page, latest build via AppVeyor

Via Chocolatey Chocolatey package
choco install qtpass


QtPass 1.4.0

Latest stable on the releases page, latest build via AnneJan

Via Homebrew Cask Homebrew Casks package
brew install qtpass --cask

QtPass works best with pass and pinentry-mac installed.

brew install pass pinentry-mac


On most *nix systems all you need is:

qmake && make && make install

On Mac OS X:

brew install qt5
brew link --overwrite --force qt5
xcode-select --install
qmake && make && macdeployqt QtPass.app

Read up on recent changes

Linux Compatible Windows 11 Compatible OS X Compatible FreeBSD Compatible